
A murder of crows on the branches of a tree
In vicinity to my window pane I see
On the Sunday morning, being indolent
It’s a great time to gaze at all irrelevant.
Coos and caws and rattles and clicks to heed
I had fallen asleep too late, forgot to feed
No signs of leftovers, nothing new to provide
Previous night went on empty stomach and chide.

A kind never thinks and does things
Craving attention with show off of emotions
Sometimes leading to deliberation after deplorable
And crows caw till the silence becomes inaudible.
Another species epitomizes downfall here
Who never waged a war out of fear
And to chicks, come tell stories of their bravery
Maintaining supremacy out of words in secrecy.

Another who had a smirk on its face
Profoundly talkative but receives no solace
For all the worries come from others
Who were praised with words of a soother
Later, on discovery, they knew this crow
Was something who can’t see anyone grow
Thus. wishes in front to avoid relationships sour
But curses behind and the mask falls that it wore.

Within that murder, there is a family I tell
Their action makes me think of frogs in a well
Once when I was away for a week
On my return they were skinny as stick
Quite reminds me of people not seeing horizons
When the scope outreaches, fate would be reasons
They are the afraid Gods of their own puny world
Knowledge is abhorred; the pride will get charred.

All this while, when my gaze outside was kept
The family people cawed and others had left
Like modern lovers, they will soon find someone new
Empty branches every morning would be the view
These birds and people are equally just
Entering and leaving the brothel of trust
People say- crows are bad omen and bring death
Balance is purely needed- I live with this faith.


  1. This is just so good. Loved the narrative more than anything else. Just wonderful

  2. Man! This is something which keeps me going. Thanks for the motivation and kind words. All love and best wishes brother

  3. Really hats off! Got no words for this one. It's staying with me for a really long time.

  4. Love your works dear
    Love & best wishes always ❤️

  5. One of the best poems that I have ever read. More power to you.


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