Often I Think You’re Better Without Me

Often I think you’re better without me,  

A bird that’s soaring high, forever free.  

You push me away though I long to stay near,  

While I chase your shadow, you disappear.

I watch as you stand in your world, so bright,  

A star in the distance, lost to my sight.  

I reach for your hand, but you pull it away,  

As if my presence might lead you astray.

Am I the storm that you fear will arrive?  

Or am I the calm in which you can't survive?  

Each step I take closer, you slip out of reach,  

Like waves pulling back from a forgotten beach.

Perhaps you’re lighter when I'm not around,  

No ties to the earth, no feet on the ground.  

But still, in my heart, I ache to belong,  

Even when silence feels louder than song.

Yet even as walls between us arise,  

I’ll keep searching for love in your eyes.  

For though you push me, I'll never be free,  

Of wanting you closer, as close as can be. 

~ Bismay


  1. This sets a mark in the heart, for every heart that has ever loved will feel it as his own. The world that he seeks to disown for his love, yet his love never cares for the yearning he has.. A poignant and touching tale of love that never got to meet its fate. So well written, bhai ❤️.

  2. Can any words express the deepest emotions in a better manner?The confusion,the wish,the connection...Just brillant Bismay!!


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