My friend Solitude

Solitude has been a great friend lately. Every morning I wake up and go through my notifications sitting in the bathroom. Sometimes, if there happens to be lots of them and the bathroom door gets banged on by whoever is in the queue. 

My friend, Solitude, remains asleep all the time till I go to college. So, I brush my teeth and wash my face, the first task I do is bring breakfast for myself and my roommates. As my roommates wake up too early and I don't join them to the gym, I have this responsibility of bringing food for them. 
Once we are done with the food with some good music to start the day, in the background. 

Then as I board the bus to my college, sometimes in sitting posture and sometimes standing and crushed like a potato between the crowd, I meet Solitude; always in the same destitute as me. 
He is a nice guy. A better version of myself. He looks the same as me but a confident and charming smile prevailing over his face.
At class, I often sit in the front rows alone. When peers arrive, I begin to remove my bag from the side so that another guy or girl can be accommodated in the seat. They look and pass by, going to get themselves seated in the back rows. Maybe they know, I intend to keep it for my friend and never mean to let them get there. Maybe their friend, Lonely, forbids them to befriend me for I have Solitude in my company. 

Solitude once said me that Lonely is a very different in nature. He met with Mr. Lonely of a classmate, who was confused on how to find happiness. He said he tried different things, but all in vain. One day the classmate had to sit alone in the last bench of the class due to late arrival and Mr Lonely bothered him a lot; he sobbed a lot for the other Lonelys had yet another Lonelys by their side but he had none.

Solitude also says that these friends of mine, they get high on weed and wine so that their Lonelys remain a bit far away from them rather than complaining all the time. While they get high, it normally remains for a while and then when the hangover gets down, the Lonelys return. 

It often happens when we neglect the people around us, judge them or give them strange looks for being different to us, that they get a friend which only dooms them further. The name of that friend is Lonely. I have seen many people around me, lock themselves up for months after a bad performance in exams. The charm and  affection of many are lost when life doesn't become very fair to them, they meet their Lonelys. They are much deceitful - the Lonelys- a sad and sympathetic need prevalent over their face in demand of gathering extravagant attention. 

Even in the evening when I return from college, Solitude doesn't let me think of focusing on things that don't exist- like heart warming wishes on coming back home as if I just won a Booker or something, whereas those who have Lonelys, they ponder over the lack of company. 

Meanwhile, there is this thing about Solitudes. Very few people befriend them. My Solitude has taught me lots of things; the most adorable being 
"Accept that nobody lives with/for someone forever."
 Every year on an average I lose two close people to me, either by death or by migration. A sadness summons me for a while but then I smile with waving hand and Solitude says, "They might be gone but they have left great lessons to learn". And as it is said, several Lonelys self obsessed wail together despite not being lonely at all. Even time cannot heal them.


  1. Your personification of solitude is beyond praise. Worth a read, and I love this style of narration.

    1. Thanks you so much Swagat bhai. I guess the comeback served it's purpose. Keep showering your love this way.

  2. Loved it❤️. We can always make the best out of solitude rather than complaining of being lonely .

  3. I think you are the Shakespeare of personification. Your words were quite heartfelt..
    Loved the last line. The most realistic words I have ever read

    1. This comment. This particular comment moved me beyond words. I am so glad you liked it so much :)

  4. wow. just read it. a great read and very well written. really awesome.

  5. Its my first time coming to Bismay Bhai's blog....And It was worth it The lines are depicting the truth with sincerity ....
    Solitude always a friend

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