I am an atheist...

I am an atheist. I don't believe in God. I have never seen him, just his statues everywhere. Yes i bow my head before his idol, i don't know why. Perhaps it has become a conditioned reflex. People always had been up to making me a 'good boy'; maybe that means someone who is a strict devotee! From the very beginning, like all children are made to do in schools and at homes, I too was taught the prayers. When i asked mom what do prayers mean, she said it is a process of thanking the creator for everything we have got; for giving us a day's chance. I seriously couldn't understand why are we asking thanks to this unknown person. Teachers said...God is the man who will give all you want. I asked for a computer! I didn't get one till a decade!

Then i thought why does the man, God, make some people different?
All my life, i had been wondering listening to people that the differently able are the one who CAN'T! But i had the greatest misconception. Until lately, when i closely analysed them, i saw they are much like us. What if their body is different? They too fly on unlimited dreams, have infinite imaginations, have uncountable desires. Our spirits are no different then theirs but it is the body which is different. It's our inborn tendency that we are made to feel on them because we are superiors!
Superiors in what aspect?
We always first try to slap rather than shake hands.
We always express our dislike with our tongue rather than enduring and speaking words of love.
We call ourselves human beings. Devotees of Gods!

If there are Gods and they have made us, then they have done with a design. And with the lack of following our design, we are no better than malfunctioned engineering products.
I had been a disobedient student...i didn't agree to my teachers' views on thanking to expect things in return. Had that been happening, guess what.... I would have been in Mumbai working on film sets tongue emoticon
If there is a God......oh sorry! I don't know what it means. devil emoticon
Some say God is our creator....in that case, i have just two Gods: my mother and my father. They are the one on whom i have shouted, hurt, disappointed their hopes from me but they are the one who have endured everything and just served us so that we can be good Gods as them.

If there is still a search for God, you can find them everywhere. The man who serves you food at the hotel to the guy who throws newspaper daily at your yard. I don't particularly need to install idols and swing incense sticks around them because there are Gods all around me. If you can't see the God in people then illuminate the light in you for the guy who just stole your girlfriend is also a God! 

Only if you see the good in everybody; only if you value things which always matter and not objects of temporary happiness; only if you learn to serve being blind if you are served with, then i will pray you my Lord! Because you have made yourself my God! 

grin emoticon


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