It was a dark monsoon evening. The rain had filled up pits all over the roads and silence reckoned in the streets as a graveyard. A girl was running on the broken road splashing ankle depth water onto her tidy jeans. Her white top was torn in the arm region, exposing the wet white skin. At first lane after the VSS market complex, she turned and entered into the fourth house. Struggling to grab the key from her bag, Ritu succeeded in opening the door to the house and soon as she got it, she locked the door. Trembling with fear, she kept on locking the entrance door and sat in the farthest room from the house entrance Shaking, heartbeat racing to earthquakes in the chest. The last time she felt such helpless when the dead body of her father, a brave soldier in the Indian Army, arrived at the doorstep. To compensate with the death of the bread-earner, the family now of 2 members became closer. Anita joined an NGO back then and in these five years, she has become the head t...