Sunny Leone and the interview

“She is such an individual whose love and loath in equal measures in our country. She is someone who generates curiosity and hatred all at the same time….Some have often described as completely antithetical to what we perceive is the idea of an Indian woman. From porn star to being a Bollywood star, Sunny Leone, our guest on Hot Seat! “ An interview is considered to be a formal meeting where more information about a person is known. With the quoted lines as introduction, journalist Bhupindra Chaubey goes on to start the interview show which seemed more like a police interrogation. Throughout the interview, it is observed that Chaubey repetitively gets back to similar questions and reference is made to the ‘past’, ‘porn’, etc a number of times. From the introduction itself, Chaubey’s image of Sunny Leone is vivid and the areas of interest in him lies in just the controversy and least of anything else. As the talk show starts, the interviewer goes on to having her name clarifie...